
Showing posts from 2010

Hey, I rewrote UNION by way of UNPIVOT

Yesterday a team mate of mine asked me to review a piece of SQL script that looked like a good candidate for UNPIVOT. Below is the amended version of that code (I obfuscated the data and added a simple data initialization using the WITH clause): ;with u as ( -- data setup select * from ( values(1, 1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 1, 0), (3, 1, 0, 0), (4, 0, 0, 0) ) t(UserID, HasDbSkills, HasBackendSkills, HasFrontEndSkills) ) select * from ( select UserID, 0 as SkillType, 1 as DevelopmentSkill from u where HasDbSkills = 1 union select UserID, 1 as SkillType, 1 as DevelopmentSkill from u where HasBackendSkills = 1 union select UserID, 2 as SkillType, 1 as DevelopmentSkill from u where HasFrontEndSkills = 1 ) t(UserID, SkillType, DevelopmentSkill) order by UserID, SkillType Indeed, after a quick analysis, this script turned out to be ripe for UNPIVOT:...


Create a SQL Server Database by using SMO In this small tutorial I will show you how to create a database with SMO and C# in Visual Studio 2008. I will use a Console application. Prerequisites: SQL Server 2005 is installed Visual Studio 2008 is installed Code Assemblies Your C# project must reference: System System.Data Micrososft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo Micrososft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc Micrososft.SqlServer.Smo Namespaces The source class file must use: System System.Data.SqlClient Micrososft.SqlServer.Management.Common Micrososft.SqlServer.Management.Smo class ConsoleSmo {    public static Main()   {      string connLocal = "Data Source=(local); Integrated Security=SSPI;"      SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection (connLocal);      Server server = new Server ( new ServerConnection (connection));      Database db = new Database (server, “TestDb...


Create a SQL Server Database using T-SQL Your need to create a database by using T-SQL. The simplest command you can issue to achieve this is: CREATE DATABASE <database_name> If you open the database, you will notice that its metadata has been set to some values and perhaps, the database already contains tables, stored procedures, UDFs and other objects. How does this magic work? Actually, the SQL Server derives a new database from the model database. Below is how  MSDN explains this process: All user-defined objects in the model database are copied to all newly created databases. You can add any objects, such as tables, views, stored procedures, data types, and so on, to the model database to be included in all newly created databases. When a CREATE DATABASE database_name statement is specified without additional size parameters, the primary data file is made the same size as the primary file in the model database. Unless FOR ATTACH is specified, each new database in...


Create a SQL Server Database Programmatically You need to create a SQL Server database programmatically by using ADO.NET and C#. Here is a quick recipe how to do that. using System; using System.Data.SqlClient; SqlConnection localConn = new SqlConnection ( "(local); Integrated security=SSPI; database=master" ); string SQLCommand = "CREATE DATABASE TestDb" ; SqlCommand DbCreate = new SqlCommand (SQLCommand, localConn); try { localConn.Open(); DbCreate.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console .WriteLine("DataBase is Created Successfully"); } catch (System. Exception ex) { Console .WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } finally { if (localConn.State == ConnectionState .Open) { myConn.Close(); } } This code creates a database similar to the SQL Server Model database and places its files to the default location. If you want to create a database with custom properties, please check out MSDN .